Modifying Queue Definition Marshalers and Unmarshalers Properties


  1. Log into Configurator.
  2. Click the Advanced tab in the left pane.
  3. Select Queue Setup > Queue Definition InboundQueueName. For example, MyIntegrationInboundIntgrMsg.

    The inbound queue properties are displayed in the Configuration and Setup For InitialConfig - MyIntegrationInboundIntgrMsg pane. This category contains properties related to the unmarshalling pipeline. The queue properties, such as, Message Content Extractor, EMS Queue Name, Add to external JNDI file, Inherited Queue, and Inherited Pipeline are displayed.

    Note: If a marshalling pipeline is defined for the queue, the corresponding marshalling pipeline properties are displayed under Queue Setup > Queue Definition > MyIntegrationInboundIntgrMsg_Sender.
  4. Click the Value column to edit the value of the property. The edited successfully message is displayed.
  5. Click Save.