Multienterprise and Single Enterprise Comparison

The following table compares the features in a multienterprise tenancy with the features in a single enterprise tenancy.

Comparison between multi-enterprise and single-enterprise tenancy
Feature Multienterprise Single Enterprise
Setup Multiple enterprises in one TIBCO MDM instance.

Database, cache, JMS, among others, shared by all enterprises in instance. (You cannot assign quotas to each enterprise.)

Each enterprise is in a separate TIBCO MDM instance. Database, cache, JMS, among others, separate for each enterprise.
Maintenance Software maintenance for all enterprises is managed together. Software maintenance for each enterprise is managed separately.
Configuration All configurations are shared, including single sign-on and role mapping, installed plug-ins and language packs, message prioritization, message listeners, file watchers, ConfigValues and configurations.

Some of the customizations, such as look and feel, business process rules, workflows, and rulebases, can be enterprise-specific.

Configurations for each enterprise are separate.
Data Isolation Data stored in shared database and cache. TIBCO MDM enforces logical separation between the enterprise data. (Global business partners and lookup data sources defined for the TIBCO MDM enterprise through rulebases are shared across all enterprises.) All data is isolated.
Performance Performance requirements of different enterprises can potentially conflict. A large enterprise will consume a large share of system resources. Performance characteristics of each enterprise can be managed separately.