Record Query Supported Operators

The following is a list of supported operators for the Record Query web service:

Record Query - Supported Operators
Operator Description Data Types
eq Equals ALL
ne Not equals ALL
id Is Defined ALL
nd Not Defined ALL
in In

Note: Use comma as value separator and double quotes as text qualifier in case the value itself contains comma.

ALL except Boolean
ni Not In

Use in record query web services to exclude multiple values in your search filter. For example, if you want to retrieve all the records with PRODUCTIDEXT not in 2 and 3.

ALL except Boolean
lk Like String, File
nl Not Like String, File
sw Starts With String, File
ew Ends With String, File
sl Sounds like String, File
gt Greater than Number, Date, and Timestamp
ge Greater than equals Number, Date, and Timestamp
lt Less than Number, Date, and Timestamp
le Less than equals Number, Date, and Timestamp
bw Between Number, Date, and Timestamp

For the string type attributes, additionally, you can check for case sensitivity using caseSensitive. It specifies whether a case sensitive query is to be done. The default is false.