Installation Checklist

Before you install MDM, you need to decide the various options and components.

Installation Checklist
Check list Description Reference
Do you need to install more than one instance of MDM and cluster it? More than one instance of MDM may be required to implement:

a) High availability.

b) support higher workloads.

When more than one instances is installed, you also need to install a web server to provide load balancing between the instances and to provide single URL for all instances.

Clustering Set Up

Configuration of Web Servers

Have you installed TIBCO EMS? As part of the installation process, you need to configure TIBCO EMS for TIBCO MDM. Configuration of Java Messaging Server
Do you plan to use text search? Text searching provides support for fuzzy searches. Text Search and Setup and Configuration sections in TIBCO MDM System Administration
Do you plan to customize cache servers? Cache servers are required when large amount of data is to be cached and peer-to-peer topology is not sufficient.
Do you need GDSN support? Global Data Synchronization plug in provides predefined models for synchronization with 1Sync.
Do you need to enable UI for languages other than English? MDM UI is localized and is supported in many languages. Support for Language Pack
  • Plan the capacity. The capacity planning worksheet is available with TIBCO support which allows you estimate the required disk space, memory required for cache and CPU capacity required for processing workloads.
  • Decide the components. For example, text indexing.
  • Plan the deployment layout. Decide the components to be installed on different servers. Decide for sharing the common dir and configuration files. If you need more than one MDM instances and to know how such instances will share the common directory and configuration files, refer Clustering Set Up.
  • Decide the Application server and database. As installation steps vary based on application server and databases, these are important decisions.
  • Determine the languages in which you want the data to be stored in MDM. The storing of multiple languages requires the databases to be setup with correct options.
  • Determine whether there are any custom components to be deployed with MDM.
  • Decide whether you want to partition the data. You should consider partitioning the data if the data volume is high. For example, more than 300 M unique master data records. If the partitioning is required, contact TIBCO Support or Professional Services Group to understand how the partitioning can be done.