Multivalue and Category Specific Attributes

For each multi-value and category specific attributes, individual fields are created in repository spaces with their database column name.

  • The multi-value attribute field is created as the string data type and its values are stored as a delimiter separated string.
  • The category specific attribute field is created with the same type that is stored in the database.

The following configuration properties for multi-value and category specific attributes are created in Configurator:

Configuration Properties for Multi-value and Category Specific Attributes
Property Name propname Description Value
Average number of values in a single multivalue attribute
Indicates the average number of values to be specified in a single multi-value attribute when repository space is enabled. Any valid integer.

The default value is 2.

category specific attribute size (bytes)
Refers to the category specific attribute size to be used for repository space size calculation. The size is specified in bytes. Any valid integer.

The default value is 10.

ActiveSpace multivalue qualifier
Refers to the multi-value qualifier specified in multi-value attribute values that is used for cache. Any valid qualifier.

The default is ". It signifies the double quotation marks.

The existing Delimiter used while reading multi value data property is used while reading multi-values in ActiveSpaces. The default value is !#.