Text Search

Using text search, you can search for human recognizable terms as you search on a Search Engine. Using this utility, you can search based on attribute values.

The Text Search utility indexes the text in a record and stores it as key terms in a data store. For example, if you search for records with a description The product is in red color, the search utility looks for the key terms, product, red, and color. Articles, prepositions, pronouns, and other such fillers are not considered as key terms. The Text Search index contains the Record ID and the latest version of the record.

You must enable Text Search using Configurator. For information on enabling Text Search using the Configurator, refer to TIBCO MDM System Administration.

  • Records in the draft state are not included in the text search.
  • Entries in the IndexerConfig.xml file must be set correctly with all the default attributes.
  • You can search in single as well as join entities.
  • Date and timestamp are considered as string for searching.