Silent Installation

The TIBCO MDM installer supports silent installation to facilitate automatic installation on to other computers. The silent installation option is based on a silent file which contains all of the information the installer needs to perform the installation.

The Silent Installer is present in the same location as the TIBCO Universal Installer (the location where you extract the TIBCO MDM distributable zip). Search for the TIBCOUniversalInstaller.SILENT file.

Open the TIBCOUniversalInstaller.SILENT file in a text editor and change the content of the response file to your needs. The separate entries are commented inside the file.

To execute a silent installation, copy the response file and the installer executable into the same directory and use the –silent option of the installer executable. For example:


MDM_Installer_Location\TIBCOUniversalInstaller.exe –silent


MDM_Installer_Location/TIBCOUniversalInstaller.bin -silent

Where MDM_Installer_Location is the path where the installer is extracted.