CDATA Wrapper

The out-of-the-box configuration wraps the outgoing message payload in a CDATA section. Depending on if you want the message payload to be wrapped in CDATA or not, change the configuration in Configurator.

At cluster level, under Queue Setup > Queue Definition > CommStandardOutboundIntgrMsgSyncReply and Queue Setup > Queue Definition > CommStandardInboundIntgrMsg, set the value of the Message Content Marshaler XSLTransformMessageContentProcessor XSL file property to:

  • standard/maps/mpfromebxml21envelopetounknownxml.xsl, if the ebXML payload is XML,and is not within CDATA in an ebXML envelope.


  • standard/maps/mpfromebxml21envelopetounknown.xsl, if the ebXML payload is within CDATA in the envelope.