
Hint is used to optimize purge for large volume and to allow database administrator control over partitioned data.

For example, you have partitioned GOLDENCOPY or PRINCIPALKEY table based on the repository ID, to delete a repository, dropping the partition may be more efficient. Passing the hints to purge program to skip these two tables, but cleanup the rest of the data allows the database administrator to drop the partitions directly after the purge has completed. Similarly, if match and merge feature is not in use, you can use the hints to skip checking and purging data quality related tables. In absence of hints, TIBCO MDM attempts to purge data from all tables which have data related to master data.

Using the hint, you can also restrict a specific table not to be purged. It is assumed that either data does not exist in the table or the database administrator purges these tables. For example, when history is already cleared or some of the product features are not in use, you can skip the tables containing this information.

When metadata is deleted, you can specify hints to delete metadata. The record data also gets deleted. For example, Exec Mode = record, repository, or metadata.

To specify hints, use either of the following options:

  • Specify <Hints> element in the purge scheduled job policy. For information, refer to Job Scheduler.
  • Specify an -h option in the command line parameter along with a series of characters to skip the tables. For information on commandline parameters, refer to Purge Using Command Line.
    Note: Hints only apply when record data is being deleted. It does not apply for other modes. When the hints are specified, purge cleans the cache and text index.