Redirection from a Custom Page to the Application

The following application screens can be hyperlinked from any other application or custom screens:
  • Record Add
  • Record View
  • Record Modify
  • Record History
  • Record Compare
  • Browse and Search
Redirection from a Custom Page to the Application
Page URL Parameter Description Required?
Record Add http://host:port/eml/AddProduct?htmlaction=add&mastercatalogname=value&init=true&hiddenWFCheck=default&initrecordbundle=true&retURL=BrowseRepository?&hiddenCriteriaPaneShown=true&hiddenViewAllClicked=true&currentPageNum=1&pageSize=50&goToPageNum=1&pageRequest=0&Direction=NEXT&popup=y
  • Specify a value for the mastercatalogname attribute.
  • For retURL attribute, specify the value of the custom page URL that you want to navigate back.
context Should be in format:
loginname=a%26enterprisename=test_enterprise%26passwd=a%26correlationID1=1234. The values to substitute are:
  • loginname = username to access the application
  • passwd= password to access the application
  • enterprisename= company name
  mastercatalogname Name of the repository to which the record is being added. Yes
Record View http://host:port/eml/GWTRecordUI?mastercatalogname=value&prodid=value&idext=value&productID=value&productExt=value&initrecordbundle=true&htmlaction=view&init=true&hiddenWFCheck=Y&hasOpenWI=N&can_edit_in_wf=Y&canedit=Y&popup=y&Direction=NEXT& retURL=URL of the customized page
Note: Specify value for the following attributes:
  • mastercatalogname
  • prodid
  • idext
  • productID
  • productExt
  • retURL: For retURL attribute, specify the value of the custom page URL that you want to navigate back.
context Should be in format:
loginname=a%26enterprisename=test_enterprise%26passwd=a%26correlationID1=1234. The values to substitute are:
  • loginname = username to access the application
  • passwd= password to access the application
  • enterprisename= company name
  mastercatalogname Name of the repository to which the record is being added. Yes
  productID PRODUCTID attribute of the record. Yes
  productExt PRODUCTIDEXT attribute of the record. Can be null
Record Modify http://host:port/eml/GWTRecordUI?mastercatalogname=value&prodid=value&idext=value&productID=value&productExt=value&initrecordbundle=true&htmlaction=modify&init=true&hiddenWFCheck=Y&hasOpenWI=N&can_edit_in_wf=Y&canedit=Y&popup=y&Direction=NEXT& retURL=URL of the customized page

Note: Specify value for followings attributes:

  • mastercatalogname
  • prodid
  • idext
  • productID
  • productExt
  • retURL: For retURL attribute, specify the value of the custom page URL that you want to navigate back.
context Should be in the following format:

The values to be substituted are:

  • loginname = username to access the application
  • passwd= password to access the application
  • enterprisename= company name
  mastercatalogname Name of the repository to which the record is being added. Yes
  productID PRODUCTID attribute of the record. Yes
  productExt PRODUCTIDEXT attribute of the record. Can be null
Workitem List http://host:port/eml/Inbox?&menulink=Inbox context Should be in the following format:

The values to substitute are:

  • loginname = username to access the application
  • passwd= password to access the application
  • enterprisename= company name
Record Compare http://host:port/eml/RecordCompare?&mastercatalogname=value&closeOnOK=true&htmlaction=showRecordCompare&Direction=NEXT&retURL=BrowseRepository context Should be in format:

The values to substitute are:

  • loginname = username to access the application
  • passwd= password to access the application
  • enterprisename= company name
  mastercatalogname Name of the repository from which records are being compared. Yes
  recordcount Number of records to be compared. Valid values are 2 and 3. Yes
  productid<i> The PRODUCTID attribute of the record. Yes
  productidext<i> The PRODUCTIDEXT attribute of the record. Yes
  productkeyid<i> The productkeyid value of the record. Either pass productkeyid or productid/productidext. No
  modversion<i> The version of the records being compared. If not passed, the latest version is used. No
Browse and Search http://host:port/eml/BrowseProduct?menulink=Browse&repoName=value
Note: Specify value for the repoName attribute.
repoName The 'repoName' refers to the repository to be defaulted for browse.

This URL can be invoked from any application. The application may display a login error, if required. After logging on to the application, repository name is defaulted. The repository name is not sticky, it is used for this invocation only.

If an invalid repository name is specified, the following error message is displayed:

CAT-1030: Repository or output map with name or ID Account1111 does not exist; may have been already deleted by another user.
