Storage Requirements

The space allocation requirements depend on many factors, including the number of records and the number of messages sent and received from other applications.

Space is required for the following components:

  • Common directory
    • Work
    • Temp
  • Database
  • Log directory
  • Local disk for Application Server
  • Installation directory
  • Other Software

For most development and test environments, 10 GB is sufficient. However, the disk space required for production and most user acceptance test environments is much higher. A sample capacity planning worksheet can be obtained from TIBCO Customer Support, which can help you calculate the disk capacity required.

As disks starts to fill up, you can archive or purge data. Space allocation varies according to the storage systems used and depending on how the disks are arranged, including any mirroring and archive log retention policies.

Storage Requirement Components
Component Name Description
Common Directory TIBCO MDM stores some configuration and temporary files on disks. It also stores files associated with master data on disks.

TIBCO MDM stores certain data in files, including data imported and received as messages and data output from the application. This type of data is stored on file systems, with an entry in the database.

Disk requirements depend on size of the files (which directly relate to number of attributes and size of data for each record), retention period, and rate of changes to data. Additionally, the frequency of data synchronization with other systems and number of such systems may also influence the disk space requirements. A sample capacity planning worksheet can be obtained from Customer Support. File systems has work and temp directories besides other smaller directories.

Database TIBCO MDM stores most of the master data in a database. The storage needs of the database depend on various factors including rate of change, data retention policies and complexity of the data model.

The disk space requirements vary a lot based on usage patterns and the following numbers should be used as indicative only:

Small: 5GB

Medium: 10-50GB

Large: 50-500GB

Log Directory It is recommended that 1 GB space be allocated for the log directory so that sufficient number of debug logs can be accumulated. The debug logs are generated when TIBCO MDM runs in the debug mode. Using the Configurator, you can configure the debugging parameters.

You can select the DEBUG option for the Debug Log Logging Level Threshold parameter. The other options are FATAL, ERROR, WARN, and INFO. The size of the logs is determined by the following two parameters:

  • Debug Log File Backup Size: Indicates the number of debugging log backup files. By default, the size is 70.
  • Debug Log Maximum File Size- Indicates the maximum size of the debugging log file. By default, the log file size is 5MB.

    The log file location is specified by the Standard Log Appender File parameter. By default, the location is $MQ_LOG/elink.log.

Local Disk for Application Server The application server needs at least 6 GB of local free disk space to deploy the application. This storage is separate from $MQ_COMMON_DIR (8 GB)and $MQ_HOME (8 GB), and is used by the application server.
Installation Directory This is where MDM is installed. 700 MB is recommended.
Other Software Additional disk space is required for:
  • JMS server
  • Web server
  • Backups, if taken on disks

    Refer to the appropriate documentation from the software vendor for an estimate of the space required.