Sender Properties

You can define the following properties:

Sender Properties
Property Description Valid Values
class Specifies the implementation class which implements the sender. Many predefined senders are provided.
  • com.tibco.mdm.integration.messaging.util.MqMessageSenderManager

    For most cases, use MqMessageSenderManager unless instructed otherwise.

poolSize Specifies the number of listeners in the pool. Any integer in the range of 0-9.

0 disables the listener.

destType Specifies the interface that is implemented.
  • com.tibco.mdm.integration.messaging.queue.IMqQueue if the receiver is for a queue.
  • com.tibco.mdm.integration.messaging.bus.IMqTopic if the receiver is for a topic.
destName Specifies the logical queue name. Any name. Characters must be in the range a-z or A-Z, and must not exceed 30 characters.
msgPersistent Specifies whether the message should be persistent once it is put on queue. Valid values are True or False.

Default value is True.