Example for RefreshSubset Activity

The sample workflows which used in RefreshSubset activity are available in $MQ_COMMON_DIR/standard/samples/workflow/ProcessRecordsService.

RefreshSubset Workflow Samples
Workflow File Name Description

This is a sample workflow to demonstrate how ProcessRecordService can be used to validate a set of records using subset. The data source specifies the records to be validated. Subset must be defined as "subset by list" so that it can accept the data source.


This sub process deletes records specified through the data source. The data loaded from data source is matched against subset definition. Subset must be defined as "subset by list" so that it can accept the data source. The records matched by subset are deleted and confirmed.

wfin26catprocessrecordsample3v1.xml This is a sample process to show how ProcessRecordService can invoke the workflow. It performs no operation.