Web Services Available in TIBCO MDM

In TIBCO MDM, web services are available for the activities listed in the table.

Web Services Available in TIBCO MDM
Web Service Type Service Description Details Available
Record Services Record Query Service This web service can be used to query one or more repository records. Record Query Service
Record Query MetaData Service This web service can be used for obtaining repository record meta-data. Web Services Accepting Multiple Entities
Record Query ValidValues (Init) Service This web service provides a list of:
  • initial and valid values for all attributes as defined by the rulebase specified for the repository.
  • access privileges configured for attributes.
  • valid relationship types available for a given record.
Record Query ValidValues (Init) Service
Record Validate Service This web service is used to validate the attribute values of a record against the validation rules defined in the system. Record Validate Service
Record Add Modify Services This web service is used to add or modify a repository record. This service works on record bundles, and can therefore take a list of records for processing. Record Add or Modify Services
  Delete Record Service This web service is used to delete:
  • a repository record
  • related target records
  • both the repository record and related target records.
  • a record or relationship targets with reference to a work item
Record Delete Service
Initiate Workflow Service This web service is used to initiate a user-defined workflow for given record. Initiate Workflow Service
Work Item Services Work item Query Parameters Service This web service can be used to get a list of query parameters supported by the system and also provides a list of valid values for each of the supported parameters. Work Item Query Parameters Service
Work item Query Service This web service can be used to get a list of query work items, based on the list of query parameters specified. Work Item Query Service
Work item Modify Close Service This web service can be used to close a list of work items. Work Item Modify Close Service
Work item Lock Service This web service can be used to lock or relock a work item. Work Item Lock Service
Work item UnLock Service This web service can be used to unlock a work item. Work Item UnLock Service
Get Work item Service This web service can be used to get the following details of a work item:
  • Work item data
  • Work item lock details
  • Comment history
  • Primary and associated records. For each record, operational data is also included.
Get Work Item Service
Work item Reassign Service This web service can be used to reassign a work item to another user. Work Item Reassign Service
Administrator Services Login Service This web service allows you to login to TIBCO MDM after authenticating the specified credentials. Login Service
Logout Service This web service allows you to logout from the user session for the maintained session. The session is maintained either by URL re-writing mechanism or through cookies. Logout Service
Get Entitlement Service This web service allows you to retrieve entitlement information for a specified user. Entitlement information includes user permissions, roles assigned, and functions assigned to the user. Get Entitlement Service
Create Enterprise Service This web service allows you to create an enterprise in TIBCO MDM. Create Enterprise Service
Create User Service This web service allows you to create a user in an existing Enterprise. Create User Service
Delete User Service This web service allows you to delete a user in an existing Enterprise. Delete User Service
Get User List Service This web service allows you to get a list of the currently logged-in users for an enterprise. Get User List Service
Get Role List Service This web service allows you to get a list of roles of the currently logged-in users for an enterprise Get Role List Service
Data Services Text Search Service The Text Search web service allows you to search for human recognizable terms in one or more TIBCO MDM repositories as you would do on an Internet Search Engine. Text Search Service
Get Repository List Service This service allows you to get a list of repositories that can be accessed by the currently logged-in user. Get Repository List Service
Initiate Synchronization Service This service allows you to synchronize records on a Trading Partner. This service operates in two modes, Async and Sync. Initiate Synchronization Service
Upload Metadata Service This service allows you to upload metadata (jar or xml file) to TIBCO MDM. Upload Metadata Service
Extract Data Service This service allows you to extract data from TIBCO MDM using custom implementation. Extract Data Service
Content Services Get Content Service This service allows you to download a file for the specified context. This service takes DocumentId or DocumentPath as input, also the context from where the file needs to download is specified. If the context is accessible for the user only then the file is downloaded. Get Content Service
Event Management Services Get Event Service This service allows you to get event information for a specified event ID. Get Event Info Service
Get Event Details Service This service allows you to retrieve the event details for the specified Event ID. Get Event Details Service