Exporting Metadata Using Command Line (Wizard Approach)

You can export the existing export profile using the export.bat file located at $MQ_HOME\bin.


  1. Open the command prompt.
  2. Change the directory to$MQ_HOME\bin.
  3. Type the following command: export.bat
  4. Specify the following details:
    • -memberId: specify the member ID.
    • -profileName : specify the name of the Export Profile. Profile Name is already created from the Export Metadata wizard.
    • -zipFileName : specify the name of a zip file that contains the exported metadata. You can specify path to the zip file.
  5. Press Enter.
    The metadata is exported. You can verify the event details by clicking on the "Data Service Query" event on the Event Log screen. For example,
    MQ_HOME\bin>export.bat -memberId 36823 -profileName exportmetadata -zipFileName  "C:\Users\apps\Desktop\export88\exportdata.zip"