Listener Implementation Classes

The following listener implementation classes are supplied:

  • JMSCommMessageListener – This class must be used for all external message communication sent to the application. Such messages are received on external integration queues and forwarded to the internal queues. .
  • CommInternalInboundMsgListener – This listener is used for all messages received by the application on internal queues. It is preconfigured and must not be changed or used for any other purpose.

The receiver manager uses listener classes to process messages. Listeners are simple objects defined to handle specific transports. Listeners rely on message processors to provide the business logic needed to process messages.

The message processor is associated with the listener using:

<ConfValue name="Workflow Queue Listener Property Prefix" propname="com.tibco.cim.init.WmQueueListener.msgProcessorPropsKeyPrefix" sinceVersion="7.0" visibility="All">
  <ConfString value="com.tibco.cim.init.WmMsgProcessor" default="com.tibco.cim.init.WmMsgProcessor" /> 

com.tibco.cim.init.WmMsgProcessor is the default processor for all JMS communication and does not need to be specified explicitly.