Action Parameters

The Action parameter specifies the ways in which a data source can be used. Each action initiates a workflow.

Note: All actions initiate are integrated with the built-in workflow engine.
Parameter Description Workflow Multiple Data sets supported?
ExportRecords Export data from a repository or subset. Initiates the Export data workflow. N
Load Upload the datasource. Initiates a datasource upload workflow. Y
LoadImport Upload datasources and import into the repository. Initiates a datasource upload and repository import workflow. Y
Import Import records into the repository. Initiates a repository import workflow. N
ImportClassificationScheme Import classification codes, taxonomy, and reclassify products. Initiates a classification code upload workflow. For a custom classification scheme, this workflow can optionally reclassify the records in a repository. N
Publish Initiate a synchronization. Initiates a catalog synchronization workflow. N
Validate Initiate a validation for synchronization. Initiates a catalog validation workflow. N
DataServiceUpdate Initiate metadata import. Initiates import of metadata workflows. N
DataServiceQuery Initiate metadata export. Initiates export of metadata workflows. N
Purge Initiate a data purge workflow. On purge, an email is sent to the address specified in the Company Profile screen. However, note that it is necessary to set an email message completion rule for receiving this purge email. Initiates the Purge workflow.
Note: Work/Purge directory must be created manually in $MQ_COMMON_DIR.

Each action may need different parameters to be specified. For example, if the action is Import, you need to specify MasterCatalog.