Get Work Item Service - Outputs

Details of the specified work item are returned.

The following data is returned:

  • Entity data
  • Comment history
  • Records in work item
  • Operational Data
  • Context Data
  • Work Item Locking
  • Result List
  • Transaction Result

Entity Data

For a list of attributes returned in the result, refer to Entity Data.

Comment History

For more information, refer to Comment History.

Records in Work Item

A list of primary and associated records is provided.

The primary record is identified by the <Primary>true</Primary> element. Associated records are those records for which a product log exists for the process log of the work item step.

The following information for each record is included:


Records are returned only if there is a primary record associated with the work item. A work item generated for batch record processing, import, data source import, mass update, or a work item which does not have any associated records will not have records as output.

The record data itself is NOT returned.

Operational Data

The operational data associated with a record includes the details of the action taken on the record and any alerts associated with the records. Possible alerts are rejections, warnings, and errors. The data is stored in the PRODUCTLOG table.

Operational data includes the following:

  • Primary — Identifies the primary record in the list. Records are returned only if there is a primary record associated with the work item.
  • Operation — Identifies the operation being performed. For example, EDIT PRODUCT.
  • OperationDescription — Detailed description of the operation being performed.
  • Suboperation — Identifies the sub-operation being performed. For example, INITIAL VERSION.
  • SuboperationDescription — Detailed description of the sub-operation being performed.
  • OperationDate — Date and time on which the operation was performed.
  • Alerts — Count of the different alerts generated.
    • RejectionCount: Count of rejection entries added by an editor or approver as a part of the "Rejection" process.
    • ErrorCount: Count of errors generated when a validation rule is run. The errors are pre-computed and stored in the attributeLog table.
    • WarningCount: Count of warnings generated when a validation rule is run. The warnings are pre-computed and stored in the attributeLog table.

For example:

<Operation>EDIT PRODUCT</Operation>
<OperationDescription lang="en">Add/ModifyRecord</OperationDescription>
<Suboperation>INITIAL VERSION</Suboperation>
<SuboperationDescription lang="en">Initial Version</SuboperationDescription>
<OperationDate>2009-02-19 09:19:13-08:00</OperationDate>

Context Data

Data captured in WORKITEMDETAIL table is returned as name value pair here. Data returned depends on the work item and configuration. All data is returned as a String and all names are in upper case.

Context data includes the following attributes. However, as a workflow can be customized to capture additional data, this is list is not exhaustive. Not all work items will have all the attributes listed. Only those attributes which are relevant are returned.

  • CATALOGEDITIONID — Synchronization profile ID associated
  • CATALOGEDITIONVERSION — synchronization profile version associated
  • Custom_* — Custom information passed in to work item activity
  • EXPIRYTYPE — Work item expiry type
  • INTENT — Work item intent configured in the workflow
  • MASTERCATALOGID — ID of the repository associated
  • MASTERCATALOGVERSION — Version of the repository associated
  • MESSAGEID — Any message ID is associated with work item. This is, usually, the case for work items which are created using the WaitForResponse activity.
  • NUMBEROFTIMEOUTS — Number of timeouts for work item
  • RECORD_COUNT — Number of records associated with the work item when the work item was created
  • RESULTDECISION — Decision taken on the work item
  • SUCCESS_COUNT — Number of records considered as success. The count is calculated when the work item is created.
  • SEVERITY — Any severity associated
  • WORKITEMSTEP — Step number
  • VALIDATIONWARNINGS — Number of records which had warnings, only applicable for batch processing activities related work items (Import approval). The count is calculated when a work item is created.

For example:

  <Attribute name="NUMBEROFTIMEOUTS" type="string">1</Attribute>
  <Attribute name="COMPAREKEYWOR"   type="string">PREVIOUS_CONFIRMED_VERSION</Attribute>
  <Attribute name="EXPIRTYTYPE" type="string">RELATIVE</Attribute>
  <Attribute name="INTENT" type="string">Edit</Attribute>
  <Attribute name="RECORD_COUNT" type="string">1</Attribute>

Work Item Locking

For more information, refer to Work Item Lock Service.


For more information, refer to ResultList.

Transaction Result

For more information, refer to TransactionResult.