Manual Merge Workflow

When records are manually merged, through the UI or web service, an event is started and the process is executed.

Before the process execution, based on the process log, all of the information is saved in the Merge tables. This includes the MergeResult, MergeResultdetails, and Mergeattributes tables. Information is not stored in the matching tables, such as MatchResult, MatchCandidate, and so on. This helps make the Manual Merge independent of the match activity. After storing all the required data in the Merge table, the worklfow is initiated for the processing.

Note: A shutdown case is not handled. If MDM goes down before the workflow starts, the data will be lost.

wfin26productmanualmergev1.xml is used for processing the Manual Merge.

This workflow calls wfin26producteditapprovalv3.xml for modifying the records.

After the completion of wfin26producteditapprovalv3.xml, the delete record activity is called to delete the source records.