Purge Parameters and Valid Execution Modes

The valid execution mode for Purge is SYNCHR.

The parameters of Purge are as follows:

Purge Parameters
Name Semantics Type Valid Values Multi-plicity
Direction: In
(Optional) Specifies whether records should be deleted.

If this parameter is set to Yes, old record versions are deleted.

To delete record versions, you need to specify DeleteRecordVersions as Y in File Watcher and pass the DeleteRecordVersions parameter in the workflow.

string Y



No (Default)

(Optional) Specifies the repository for which record versions and historical data is to be purged. You can specify either a single repository name or ALL for all repositories.
  • Purge is limited to history and data only for the specified repository or all repositories of the specified enterprise when ALL is specified.
  • You must specify an enterprise name if the repository name is specified.
string Any valid repository name.

Default is ALL.

(Optional) Specifies the number of days or months from the current date beyond which data will be purged.

The cutoff date can also be the current date, that is, RetentionUnits can be 0.

long Number greater than or equal to 0. Default is 6. 0..1
(Optional) Specifies the unit of measure for RetentionUnits. string MONTH (default)


(Option) Gets the counter of versions which qualify for delete. This is done to ensure that versions are retained. long   0..1
StartDate (Optional) Specifies the start date from which data will be purged.
Note: StartDate and EndDate will always take precedence over the RetentionUnits, RetentionUOM parameters.
Time yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss 0..1
EndDate (Optional) Specifies the end date till which the data will be purged. Time yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss 0..1
(Optional) Specifies the execution mode of the purge. string history or historyForce

The values are case sensitive.

(Optional) Specifies that history of a specific enterprise must be purged. The credential specified must belong to the enterprise specified.

If ALL is specified, user who executes the workflow must be a valid user in TIBCOCIM enterprise.

If this parameter is not specified, purge is performed for the enterprise of the user who executes the workflow.

string ALL (Default)

Any enterprise name.

Hints Indicates how to optimize the purge if partitioning is already done. You can specify a certain data set or a table to be purged. For example, to skip data quality or match and merge feature, you can purge data quality tables or to skip master data, you can purge MCT tables.

You need to specify a hint character along with the -h option. For more information on hints and its characters, refer to Using Hints section in TIBCO MDM System Administration.

string Any combination of hints as explained in the Using Hints section in TIBCO MDM System Administration. 1
Interval Instructs that purge should consider only those records which have changed in the specified interval (number of days). The parameter applies to only RecordVersions mode.

For more information on using interval, refer to Using Interval in Record Versions section in TIBCO MDM System Administration.

long Any valid integer.

No default value.

Value less than 1 is ignored.

(Optional) See Common Parameters.