Creating Business Agreement
Create a business agreement.
- Click .
- Click the New tab to create a new Agreement.
- In the New Agreement window in the Host party and Partner party sections, select the names for which you want to make an agreement and click OK.
- In the Business ConnectBusiness Agreements window in the New tab, click the newly created agreement.
- In Edit Agreement window,
In the Edit Protocol Binding: EZComm window, click the
Document Security tab and select the following values:
- Signing Key: Name of the TIBCO’s private certificate.
- Digest Algorithm: MD5
- Encryption Certificate: Name of Trading Partner Certificate
- Encryption Algorithm: Encryption algorithm used by Trading Partner
- Verification Certificate: Name of Trading Partner Certificate
- Decryption Key: Name of the TIBCO’s private certificate
- Click the Transports tab and select the following values:
- Click Save.
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