Querying Related Records

You can query for related records for a given Parent record and relationship name. You can also specify a paging element using the <StartCount> and <MaxCount> elements.


  1. Specify the user name, password, and enterprise for a user in the request criteria.
  2. Specify Command="Query" and command qualifier="RelatedRecords".
  3. Specify the following mandatory input parameters in the <ParentRecordData> element:
    • Repository Name
    • ProductID and ProductIDExt
    • UOM
    • Record version
    • Relationship Name


    • Repository Name
    • ProductKeyID
    • Record version
    • Relationship Name

      For example,

               	<Key name="MASTERCATALOGNAME" type="string">CUSTOMER</Key>
               					<Key name="PRODUCTID">a1-relA</Key>
      					         <Key name="PRODUCTIDEXT">a1-relA</Key>
      					         <!--Key name="PRODUCTKEYID">10001</Key-->
               					<Key name="RECORD_VERSION">3</Key>
  4. Specify the relationship details in the <RelationshipData> element:
    • <RelationType>: Specify the Relationship name to return related records for the specific relationship or specify ALL to return all the relationships related to the record.
    • <RelationDepth>: Specify the relationship depth in numeric to control the depth of the bundle heirarchy.

      For example,

  5. Invoke the webservice by specifying the endpoint URL as:

    The Response message contains a list of related records.