CommonAction TestCases

The CommonActions TestCase includes common operations that you perform in TIBCO MDM.

The Common Operation table lists the common operations listed under

Common Operations
TestCase Description
CommonActions The common operations are called from all instances of the TestConfig.xml file.
  • Transfer Step: Transfers the value from one step to another using Transfer EVENTID, Transfer DOCID, and Transfer WorkitemID keys.
  • Goto Step: Goes to a particular step if a condition is not met. For example, if the status of the GetEventDetails web service is In Progress, you can keep executing it until the status changes to Success.
  • Delay Step: Adds a delay or pause after a particular step and before executing another step. The default Delay time is 5000 milliseconds. You can configure the delay time as per your requirement.
Data Extractor based Web Services The following operations based on Data Extractor web service are listed as TestSteps:
  • ResourceSecurity-Set Permissions: Grants or revokes permissions to specific MDM resources. The resource type, permission type, and user name (grantee) are passed to this request using predefined keys. These permissions are used to execute TestCases, which have permissions to be set as a prerequisite.

    The request for this web service includes a reference to ResourceSecurityDataProvider and ResourceSecurityDataProcessor classes. For more information on the Data Extractor framework, refer to TIBCO MDM Customization guide.

  • QueryDB: Retrieves values of a single row directly from the database. For example, ProductID, count of a particular column, role ID, and so on.

    The request for this web service includes a reference to SingleRowDataProvider and SingleRowDataProcessor classes.

  • DMLQuery: Executes Insert, Update, and Delete statements underlined on MDM database. Used for TestCases, which require firing such queries is a prerequisite.

    The request for this web service contains a reference to DMLQueryDataProvider and DMLQueryDataProcessor classes. Similar to QureyDB, the actual query to be fired can be passed to the request using SQL QUERY as key.


Groovy TestCases

The GroovyUtils TestCase includes the groovy TestCases.

The Groovy Test Cases table lists and describes each TestCase listed under GroovyUtils:

Groovy TestCases
TestCase Description
GroovyUtils This TestCase contains the following groovy utility scripts:
  • Copy Workflow Files: Copies custom workflows to a predefined location. You can specify the source and destination location at runtime using the SRCW and DEST keys for Properties and their location as mentioned in the configuration file.
    • SRCW: Refers to the source location, such as, the test folder directory location where custom workflows are copied.
    • DEST: Refers to the destination location, such as, the exact folder in the $MQ_COMMON directory.
  • Copy Config Files: Copies a configuration file. If you have the IndexConfig.xml file, you can specify the location at runtime using the SRCW and DEST keys.
  • Restore Workflow Files: Restores the previously copied or changed workflow file, which are changed at runtime for running the sample TestSuites.
  • Save File: Saves the attachments added to the GetContent or ExportMetadata request TestCases. The script extracts the attachment from the response and saves it in the temp folder of the TestSuitePath. Run this script after executing SOAP request step that has attachments in the response.
  • Validate Export: Validates the exported file by comparing it with the masterdata file.
  • Delete Enterprise: Deletes enterprise specific data using custom JDBC code. Use this script when the same TestSuite is executed multiple times. The script is specific to Test Framework. Do not use it independently.
  • Validate Response: Compares the master and responses of SOAP requests. Use this script whenever you want to compare any SOAP requests.