Enabling Cookies

TIBCO MDM uses a cookie to keep track of menus selected by the user. The business sensitive information stored in the cookies should be kept confidential and sent only over a secure link. Make cookies secure by requiring them to be transmitted only over secure links and to the appropriate location.


  1. In the left panel, expand Servers > Server Types and click WebSphere application servers. The Application servers panel is displayed on the right.
  2. Under Preferences, click servername. The Configuration tab is displayed.
  3. Under Container Settings, expand Web Container Settings and click the Web container link. The Configuration tab is displayed.
  4. Under Additional Properties, click the Session management link. The Configuration tab is displayed.
  5. Under General Properties, click the Enable cookies check box. The Configuration tab for Cookies is displayed.
  6. For the JSESSIONID cookie property, enter the domain and path in the Cookie domain and Cookie path fields for which session tracking cookie should be sent.
  7. Click the Restrict cookies to HTTPS sessions check box to restrict session cookies to HTTPS sessions.
  8. Click the OK button. A message is displayed with the Save and Review options.
  9. Click the Save link to save changes to the master configuration.