Cache Configuration of Data Quality

The data quality cache object holds status information of the quality attributes. Whenever an attribute is modified or validated, the information is captured and status of attributes is stored in this cache. The CacheConfig.xml is updated for the data quality cache object. The file is available in the $MQ_HOME/config folder.

The following example shows the configuration for the data quality object type:
	<Description>This space This space maintains data quality score info</Description>

Data Quality Summary

The data quality summary cache holds the result of an attribute score summary. When the attribute score summary calculation process is completed, the data is saved into the database. The following example shows the configuration for the data quality summary object type:
	<Description>This space maintains data quality summary info</Description>
For information on the cache attributes listed in the CacheConfig.xml file, refer to the "Cache Configuration section" in the TIBCO MDM Installation and Configuration Guide.