PrepareForImportCatalog Parameters and Valid Execution Modes

The valid execution mode for PrepareForImportCatalog is SYNCHR.

The parameters of PrepareForImportCatalog are as follows:

PrepareForImportCatalog Parameters
Name Semantics Type Valid Values Multi-plicity
Direction: In
(Optional) See Common Parameters.      
(Optional) There can be multiple input maps associated with a catalog. Therefore, when importing a catalog, the input map name should be specified. An MLXML document always contains an input map name, so even if this parameter is not present, the activity can use the one specified in MLXML. string Input Map Name. 0..1
(Optional) This parameter is applicable only if a rulebase is applied.

If the error count reaches this threshold, the import is terminated.

The value can set using the Configurator (Repository > Catalog Import Error Threshold).

The order of the configuration is: Value specified in workflow file > Value specified in Configurator > Default value.

long Default is 1000. 0..1
(Mandatory) See Common Parameters.      
(Mandatory) See Common Parameters.      
(Optional) See Common Parameters.      
(Optional) See Common Parameters.

Use to update the PRODUCTID and PRODUCTIDEXT the staging tables, that is, to assign an identity.

If the identity of a record is generated using a sequence number specified in the <assignidentity> action, only PRODUCTID is updated.

To configure this, pass the rulebase. For example:

<Parameter direction="in" name="Rulebase" eval="constant" type="string">D:\common\ac\rulebase/catalogvalidation.xml</Parameter>

Using this rulebase, the activity performs the followings:

  • Allows assignments to PRODUCTID and PRODUCTIDEXT using the <assignidentity> action
  • Executes all actions defined in rulebase
  • Records the results in a error log file as rulebase messages

    However, the activity does not record the changes to data other than PRODUCTID and PRODUCTIDEXT.

string Existing Rulebase file. 1
(Optional) This parameter is applicable only if using a Rulebase.

The values to input variables defined in the rulebase can be passed though activity parameters. The names of the parameters must match the declarations in the rulebase.

<declare usage=”input”>

string Have to be declared as input variables in the rulebase. 0..n
ValidateOnly Validates data and generates an error report and a log file. When you use the ValidateOnly parameter, it is expected that workflow will not continue to proceed for the ImportCatalogRecords activity. You should chage the out-of-the-box workflow to terminate immediately after PrepareForImportCatalog activity.
  • If you specify TRUE for this parameter, you must specify the rulebase.
  • When you use this parameter, the activity does not write any data to the staging tables, it is only validated.
  • As this activity does not insert any rows to the database, it is expected to run fast.
  • As the staging data is not available to purge, the workflow must end after this activity.

FALSE (Default)