Database Errors

Database Errors
Error Code Error Description Error Resolution
SQL-8201 Database error. SQL state <Parameter name='DBSTATE'>. Database specific error code (if any) was <Parameter name='DBERRORCODE'>. Database error message (if any) was: <Parameter name='EXCEPTIONMESSAGE'>.
SQL-8202 Failed while executing SQL statement. SQL state <Parameter name='DBSTATE'>. Database specific error code (if any) was <Parameter name='DBERRORCODE'>. Database error message (if any) was: <Parameter name='EXCEPTIONMESSAGE'>. If two users send the web service query requests, and validations were set ON for one of the users and OFF for another user, change the web service request to use only the user with validations set to OFF. You may not get this error.
SQL-8203 Null connection returned by connection pool. Incorrect installation or application has run out of resources.
SQL-8208 No tablespace name specified in configuration file.
SQL-8209 Specified tablespace <Parameter name='VALUE'> does not exist. Update Configuration.
SQL-8210 Unsupported option <Parameter name='VALUE'> for 'Create Tablespace'.
SQL-8213 No connection pool defined to access database; application incorrectly installed.