Quick Export Properties

While exporting records to a file in the delimited format, you must configure the Quick Export properties using the Configurator (Advanced > Quick Export).

The following table lists the Quick Export properties:

Quick Export Parameters
Property Name Internal Name Description Default Value
Quick export delimiter com.tibco.cim.quickexport.records.delimiter Delimiter used during quick export. Specify only single character. ,
Quick export Text Qualifier com.tibco.cim.quickexport.records.textQualifier Text qualifier used during quick export. ’’
Quick export out file extension com.tibco.cim.quickexport.records.fileExtension Extension of quick export output file. CSV
Quick export status update batch size com.tibco.cim.quickexport.records.batchSize Batch size after which quick export updates status on progress bar. 100

For information on using the Configurator, refer to the section on Configurator in the TIBCO MDM System Administration.