Object Size Calculation for Repository Spaces

An object refers to the row of a record included in the space. You can calculate the object size of the repository space. Each repository space has a different object size based on its attributes. Therefore, the object size calculation for each repository space is different.

For example, to calculate the object size of 10,000 records included in the Customer repository. The object size of a record is calculated as follows:

Object Size = (Sum of all catalog attributes (excluding multivalue and category specific attribute) data types lengths * (2 Or 3)) +  (All multivalue attributes size) + (All category specific attributes size)

To calculate the object size for a repository space, use the following formulas:

Object Size Calculation for Repository Spaces
Formula Usage
Sum of all repository attributes (excluding multivalue and category specific attribute) data types lengths  = 
(attribute1 data type Length *2) + (attribute 2 data type length*2) + ………(attribute n length *2)]
Retrieves single byte object size.
Sum of repository attributes’ data types lenght = [(attribute1 data type Length *3) + (attribute 2 data type length*3) + (attribute n length *3) Retrieves multi-byte object size.
Note: If the attribute data type is String, Attribute length is multiplied by 2 or 3 bytes. Else, the attribute size is considered as its data type size. For example, for the Integer data type it is considered as 4 bytes.

To calculate the actual object size, 1/3rd of the calculated object size is considered and ROWOVERHEAD is added.

Actual object size of a repository = Object Size/3 + ROWOVERHEAD

The value of ROWOVERHEAD is configured in the <ServerConfig> section of the CacheConfig.xml file. It is the sum of System Attributes Overhead, ActiveSpaces overhead, and Reference keys overhead. For more information, refer to RowOverHead and MinimumSeederRequiredForPreload Attributes Configuration.