Importing Synchronization Formats Metadata

You can import new or custom synchronization format as well as the existing synchronization format. For predefined synchronization formats, either the response file generated from metadata export or the JAR file can be used.


  • For a New or Custom Synchronization Format
    1. Create a new XML or extract XML file from the JAR file created by metadata export process.
    2. Add a new attribute, if required. Synchronization formats also support the following properties for an attribute:
    • DisplayName: Specifies the display name of the attribute.
    • Searchable: Specifies whether the attribute is searchable.
    • DisplayInRecordList: Specifies whether the attribute is to be displayed in a record list.
    • MultiValued : Specifies whether the attribute is a multivalue attribute.
    • MultiValueTableName: Specifies the multivalue table name if the attribute is a multivalue attribute.
    • SharedMultiValueTableName: Specifies the shared multivalue table name. When you import metadata that uses common table indicator as true for multivalue data, the Multivalue Table Name is ignored and replaced by the system determined common table name.
    1. After adding or modifying the new attributes, save the file. You can also add or modify the attribute group definition. If any attribute refers to an attribute group and is replaced by another attribute group, the reference for that attribute group should also be changed in the attribute definition.
    2. Save the XML file. Repackage in the JAR from which was extracted and place it in the directory which is accessible to FileWatcher. You can also directly place the XML file without repackaging it in JAR file.