Notifications for Actions of Object

The Objects which Generate Notifications table lists the objects and their actions which generate change notifications.

Objects which Generate Notifications
Object Action When
Record CREATED Record is added.
Record MODIFIED Record or its relationship is modified.
Record DELETED Record is deleted.
Record STATE_CHANGE Record state is changed (that is, the state is changed from UNCONFIRMED to CONFIRMED).
Record FED_CONFIRMED This notification is issued when a future dated confirmed version becomes effective.
Repository CREATED Repository is added.
Repository MODIFIED Repository definition is changed.
Repository DELETED Repository is deleted.
Repository GROUP_CHANGE Only a group is added, modified, deleted, or re-sequenced without changing any other metadata.
Workitem CREATED Workitem is created.
Workitem REASSIGNED Workitem is reassigned, which results in automatic closure. Such a notification is always followed by another notification for a new work item creation.
Workitem CANCELLED Workitem is cancelled.
Workitem STATE_CHANGE Workitem status is changed. When a work item is closed, work item status is changed twice – once to change the status to CLOSED_PENDING, and then to CLOSED.
Workflow STARTED Workflow execution starts.
Workflow END Workflow execution ends. This notification is issued in all cases when workflow ends normally or abnormally, except when workflow is suspended.
Workflow SUSPENDED Workflow execution is suspended.
Workflow QUEUED Workflow execution is queued up and waiting for another workflow to complete.
Workflow RESTARTED Workflow execution is restarted. The workflow restarts when:
  • It is removed from the wait queue
  • A restart condition is met
  • A suspended activity times out
Workflow CANCEL Workflow cancellation is initiated.
Workflow CANCELLED Workflow is cancelled.
WorkflowActivity STARTED Workflow activity starts.
WorkflowActivity END Workflow activity ends.
WorkflowActivity SUSPENDED Workflow activity is suspended, but will resume later.
WorkflowActivity RESTARTED When suspended workflow activity resumes.