Session Refresh

The various details of the session refresh REST services are explained in this section. You must set the cookie in header to refresh session.

HTTP Method
Endpoint URL See Endpoint
Resource /login/userinfo/sessionrefresh
Media Type application/json
Request Model
Cookie: JSESSIONID=No3sfvH6doYk-4VLWBcbyI95; 
Response Model
  "sessionId": "string",
  "errorCode": "string",
  "errorMessage": "string",
  "result": {
    "severity": "string",
    "code": "string",
    "description": {
      "lang": "string",
      "message": "string"
Request Example Consider the following example where the session having cookie JSESSIONID=MfDshWaTXBoHtCcsoyaRQYOz is refreshed or not in the repository named "Company". .
Response Example The response returns the message that the session was refreshed successfully.
  "sessionId": "C8pYEK6AjOwptp0pftaEoXUo",
  "errorCode": "",
  "errorMessage": "",
  "result":    {
     "severity": "Info",
     "code": "SVC-11341",
     "description":       {
        "lang": "English",
        "message": "Your session refreshed successfully."
Success Response Example:

Code: 200 successful operation

Error Response If the response is unsuccessful, either of the following error code is displayed:


Code: 400 Parameters required are missing


Code: 404 User not found


Code: 500 Internal error occurred

For error code response, see Error Handling .