Translator XSLT Additional Parameters

Name Semantics Type Valid Values Multi-plicity
Direction: In
(Optional) Default Time Zone string    
(Optional) Indicates whether the output of this translation is the same type of document as the input, or whether it is a different type of document. This sets the Derived flag in the GeneralDocument table. boolean ‘True’ – this is a derived document.

‘False’ – this is NOT a derived document.

Default is “True”

(Optional) Indicates whether or not the normalization is performed. string “None”: This is the default value. Does not perform any normalization.

“Pre”: Normalization is done prior to the translation (In case of translations from mlXML to other protocol).

“Post”: Normalization is done after the translation. (Cases where the incoming document is converted to mlXML format.)

(Optional) The output format produced by the style sheet.
Note: This parameter is mandatory if the Translator mode is XSLT.
string XML, mlXML, cXML, and FILE. 0..1
(Optional) Version of the output format produced by the style sheet.
Note: This parameter is mandatory if the Translator mode is XSLT.
string   0..1
(Mandatory) Specify an XSLT style sheet to use for translation relative to $MQ_COMMON_DIR. string Any filename that resolves to an XSLT style sheet, but without the ’.xsl’ extension. 1
Xsl_Param_* Using parameters that have names of the pattern ‘Xsl_Param_*’, users can pass parameters to the XSL. They can then be accessed in the XSL as a parameter with the same name. long, string, boolean. Any valid non-null value. 0..N