
The IndexEntity includes the following options:

$./ – entities <PersonEntity, CustEntity, and so on >

                                                    – mode <create, recreate, and drop> used for                                                                specific index entities only


  • entities

    A comma separated list of entities to be indexed. The entity name is retrieved from the IndexerConfig.xml file

  • mode

    Required. The index can be created, recreated, or dropped.

    • Use the Create mode to index the entity specified in the IndexerConfig.xml file. Using the Create mode in the existing index may cause a duplicate index entry. For example, to index an entity, use the following command:
      $./  –mode create –entities <EntityName> CustEntity
    • The Recreate mode drops the index entity and then recreates it.
    • The Drop mode drops the entity from Index. For example,

      $./ –mode drop

Note: In the Drop mode case, do not specify other parameters.