JVM Parameters

The JVM parameters are set in standalone.conf under the $JBOSS_HOME/bin directory.

You can set the following for JVM parameters for TIBCO MDM:

JVM Parameters
Parameter Value Additional Information
4096m Java Heap Size
4096m Maximum Java Heap Size
512m Maximum Size for Permanent Generation Heap
256m Default Size of New Generation
  Use parallel garbage collection for scavenges
  Dump heap to file when java.lang. OutOfMemoryError is thrown
3600000 ms Ensures that unreachable remote objects are unexported and garbage is collected in a timely fashion. The value of this property represents the maximum interval (in milliseconds) that the RMI runtime allows between garbage collections of the local heap. The default value is 60000 milliseconds (60 seconds).
3600000 ms Ensures that DGC clean calls for unreachable remote references are delivered in a timely fashion. The value of this property represents the maximum interval (in milliseconds) that the RMI runtime allows between garbage collections of the local heap. The default value is 60000 milliseconds (60 seconds).

To improve overall throughput, consider using a parallel garbage collection strategy. This type of strategy works best with workloads that are designed to:

  • reduce or eliminate garbage collection pauses
  • trade some memory throughput to accomplish the reduction or elimination

For more information on JVM, options, see


Note: To verify the effectiveness of the garbage collection strategy, run the application, and measure either response times or the throughput relative to garbage collection pause times, or both.