Reference Repository Matching

In the reference repository matching process, you can locate duplicate records in different repositories.

  • If a single match is found in the target repository, go to direct merge. Based on the specified merge attributes, records are automatically merged.
  • If more than one duplicate records are found in the target repository, records are displayed in the matcher work item. Based on the merge attributes, you can merge the records.
    Note: Relationships are not supported in the Reference Repository matching process.
    Reference Repository Matching

For different repositories, you must specify matching attributes criteria of one repository and index entity attributes of another repository against which you want to match records. These two sets of repository attributes correspond to one another while matching the records. MatchAttributesArray and IndexEntityAttributes are in one file, MatchAttrList.xml.

  • MatchAttributesArray: List the record attributes of a source repository to be used as matching criteria.
           <description>match attribute List</description>
                  <const type="string">CustomerStaging:FIRSTNAME</const>
                  <const type="string">CustomerStaging:LASTNAME</const>
                  <const type="string">CustomerStaging:DateofBirth</const>
    • IndexEntityAttributes: List the record attributes of a target repository to be mapped to the IndexEntityName table attributes of a target repository.
      Note: IndexEntityAttributes are declared in another constraint.
                    <const type="string">CustomerReferenceEntity:FNAME</const>
                    <const type="string">CustomerReferenceEntity:LNAME</const>
                    <const type="string">CustomerReferenceEntity:DOB</const>