Creating Seed Data Manually for Oracle Database

You can create seed data by using the database setup wizard or through manual configuration. This is especially useful if you want to create the seed data independent of the database installation.

To install seed data with the database wizard, see Installing Seed Data Using Database Setup Wizard.

For a new database installation, you must create a database user ID and use the database installation scripts to create all database objects. For manual seed data creation, perform the following installation steps:


  1. Modify $MQ_HOME/db/oracle/install/install.bat/.sh to change the USER, PASSWORD, mdmInstanceName, mdmInstanceDesc, and INSTANCE variables. The USER and PASSWORD variables should be set to the user that you created.
    Note: For non-Windows environment, ensure that the PATH variable includes the Bourne shell or a compatible shell before running scripts to create seed data.
  2. From the install directory, run the script install.bat/.sh.

    The script creates the sequences, tables, indexes, triggers, and views in the appropriate table spaces and inserts seed data into the tables.