Searching Records of Relationship

When searching across relationships, you can search across forward and reverse relationships as well.

For example:

  • Example 1: A single repository 'Person' has a relationship to itself. The forward relationship is named 'has child'. The reverse relationship is named 'child of'. A search in the person repository allows searching across the reverse 'child of' relationship.
  • Example 2: Two repositories 'Person' has a relationship to 'Address'. The forward relationship is named 'has address'. The reverse relationship is named 'address of'. A search in the 'Address' repository allows searching across the reverse 'address of' relationship.
    Tip: You can specify the following two record search relationship properties in Configurator (InitialConfig > Optimization):
    • Record search relationship depth/width: Maximum depth or width of the relationship for which the record search can be executed. The default value is 5.
    • Record search UI relationship depth/width: Maximum depth or width of a relationship for which the record search UI can show relationships for the selected record. The default value is 3. You can reduce as well as increase the relationship level visibility on UI. However, it is recommended to not increase the default value since it degrades the performance.


  1. Click Configure to add other pseudo attributes of the selected repository and relationship criteria.
    If relationships are present for the selected repository, the criteria section is divided into multiple sub-sections with the first section denoting the root repository and the rest denoting a related repository each.
    • Only those related repositories appear in which at least one pseudo-attribute or repository attribute is selected for search criteria.
    • The first section that denotes the selected repository has further sub-sections if at least one pseudo-attribute or relationship attribute is selected for search criteria.
    • The header of each repository section displays the bread crumbs for the relationship of the corresponding repository. The header of the relationship sub-section displays only the relationship name.
  2. Select the Case-sensitive check box for String type attributes if you want the search for the specified attribute to be case-sensitive.
  3. Select operators from the drop-down lists. For information on operators, refer to Search Operators and Data Types.
  4. Click Search.
    The screen displays only those records that match the search criteria. The search results are displayed in a table in the bottom part of the screen.