Generic Schema Based Message Structure

The generic schema based message structure is used for three web services.

The generic schema based message structure uses the following web services:

The following elements are present in a web service request or response:

Elements in a Web Service Request or Response
Element Description
The Context element specifies a list of context variables that define the context of execution for the request. Some examples of context variables are RECORD_ACTION, WORKITEMREFERENCE, CORRELATIONID, and so on.
The Transaction element denotes the boundaries of a unit of work. All operations ('Commands') are executed under a common context. However, database transaction semantics, in particular bulk rollback, are not supported.
<Command type="Query">
The ‘type’ attribute of the Command element describes the type of operation being performed on an object. The allowed types, for example, are ‘Query’, ’Validate’, ’Add’ and ’Modify’. Each ‘Command’ can contain one or more ’Entities’. All entities included in a command have to be of the same type (example ‘MasterCatalogRecord’).
<MasterCatalogRecord etype="Entity" commandqualifier="ValidValues">
Business objects in the application are modeled as Entities. Examples include ‘MasterCatalogRecord’ and ‘WorkItem’.
<Result severity="Error" code="CAT-1292">
The <Result> element describes what error occurred. It is aimed, primarily, at the human user who has to interpret why the message failed.

Each <Result> element contains a severity attribute and a code. Severities indicate if this is an “Error”, “Warning” or “Info” message. The code is a TIBCO MDM internal code which can be used to track the error.

The <ResultList> element can contain one or more <Result> entries.

The <Description> element is a human readable description of the error.

<TransactionResult result="Completed">
The <TransactionResult> element captures the status of a transaction to let the caller know if the command succeeded or failed. A ‘Success’ here does not translate into the successful completion of the Command. However, a failure here does mean the Command was aborted. The <TransactionResult> element also captures details such as EventID, EventState, Action, and so on.