Service Framework Errors

Service Framework Errors
Error Code Error Description
SVC-11001 Incorrect number of external keys specified. External key <Parameter name='EXTERNALKEYNAME'> required.
SVC-11002 Invalid external key specified. External key <Parameter name='EXTERNALKEYNAME'> required. Request specified key as <Parameter name='VALUE'>.
SVC-11003 Unknown relationship <Parameter name='RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_NAME'> specified for <Parameter name='ENTITY_TYPE'> component.
SVC-11004 Unsupported command type <Parameter name='COMMAND_TYPE_NAME'> specified.
SVC-11005 Unsupported attribute <Parameter name='ATTRIBUTE_NAME'> specified for related component.
SVC-11006 Failed to execute service for entity type <Parameter name='ENTITY_TYPE'>.
SVC-11007 Cannot find specified <Parameter name='ENTITY_TYPE'> object with name <Parameter name='EXTERNALKEYNAME'>.
SVC-11008 Copy failed. Source file: <Parameter name='SOURCE_FILE'>, destination file: <Parameter name='DESTINATION_FILE'>.
SVC-11009 Meta data export failed - (Type: <Parameter name='TYPE'> , Name: <Parameter name='NAME'>).
SVC-11010 Insufficient number of external keys specified.
SVC-11011 Unsupported data type <Parameter name='DATATYPE'>.
SVC-11012 Unsupported command qualifier <Parameter name='COMMAND_QUALIFIER_TYPE_NAME'> specified for entity object. Valid command qualifier is <Parameter name='VALID_COMMAND_QUALIFIER_TYPE_NAME'> .
SVC-11013 Unsupported record state <Parameter name='CATALOG_PRODUCT_STATE'> specified for entity object.
SVC-11014 User not authorized to save records without workflow processing.
SVC-11015 Undefined record relationship.
SVC-11016 Invalid work item reference. Work item ID <Parameter name='WORKITEMID'> does not exist.
SVC-11017 Invalid work item reference. Work item <Parameter name='WORKITEMID'> already closed.
SVC-11018 Invalid date format <Parameter name='DATE'>. Supported date format is YYYY-MM-DD.
SVC-11020 Cannot extract attachment; file name null or file empty.
SVC-11022 External keys '<Parameter name='EXTERNALKEYNAME1'>' and '<Parameter name='EXTERNALKEYNAME2'>' cannot be used together.
SVC-11023 Invalid value '<Parameter name='VALUE'>' specified for attribute of type '<Parameter name='TYPE'>', repository '<Parameter name='CATALOG_NAME'>'.
SVC-11024 Data type mismatch. Data type specified was '<Parameter name='DATATYPE'>'; expected data type is '<Parameter name='DATATYPE2'>'.
SVC-11025 Service '<Parameter name='TYPE'>' executed successfully.
SVC-11026 Cannot modify record; record is not latest version. Specified version is <Parameter name='VARIABLE'> and latest version is <Parameter name='VARIABLE2'>.
SVC-11027 Specify context variable '<Parameter name='VARIABLE'>'.
SVC-11028 Invalid value '<Parameter name='VALUE'>' specified for context variable '<Parameter name='VARIABLE'>'.
SVC-11029 Meta data import failed - (Type: <Parameter name='TYPE'> , Name: <Parameter name='NAME'>).
SVC-11030 Cannot validate web service request XML due to: '<Parameter name='REASON'>'.
SVC-11032 <Parameter name='REASON'> deleted successfully.
SVC-11033 No permission to delete record.
SVC-11034 Record in workflow: '<Parameter name='REASON'>'.
SVC-11035 Specify valid relationship type name.
SVC-11036 Specified relationship '<Parameter name='RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_NAME'>' does not exist.
SVC-11037 No related records for relationship '<Parameter name='RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_NAME'>'.
SVC-11038 Data unchanged, request ignored.
SVC-11039 Deleting records with ACTIVE = N is not supported. Use command qualifier 'DELETE'.
SVC-11042 Invalid range specified for <Parameter name='CATALOG_ATTRIBUTE'>. 'upperLimit' must be greater than 'lowerLimit'.
SVC-11043 Incorrect value specified for 'Exact Value' for attribute <Parameter name='CATALOG_ATTRIBUTE'>. Valid values: 'true' or 'false'.
SVC-11044 Incorrect value specified for 'Case Sensitive' for attribute <Parameter name='CATALOG_ATTRIBUTE'>. Valid values: 'true' or 'false'.
SVC-11045 Workflow initiated successfully.
SVC-11046 No permission to execute process records web service.
SVC-11047 No permission to initiate workflow.
SVC-11048 Current record state is 'Rejected'; cannot initiate workflow for rejected records.
SVC-11049 Unsupported command qualifier <Parameter name='COMMAND_TYPE_NAME'> specified.
SVC-11050 Lock for work item <Parameter name='VALUE'> acquired successfully.
SVC-11051 Lock for work item <Parameter name='VALUE'> released successfully.
SVC-11052 Work item <Parameter name='VALUE'> closed successfully.
SVC-11053 Unsupported work item context for command type 'InitiateWorkflow'.
SVC-11054 Cannot modify system attribute <Parameter name='CATALOG_ATTRIBUTE'>.
SVC-11055 Specified Work item not associated with record <Parameter name='VALUE'>.
SVC-11056 Cannot change record status when record is in workflow.
SVC-11057 Invalid execution mode: '<Parameter name='EXECUTION_MODE'>'. Supported execution modes: 'ASYNCHR' or 'SYNCHR'.
SVC-11058 Not authorized to delete records without workflow processing.
SVC-11059 Relationship depth specified cannot be more than <Parameter name='VALUE'>.
SVC-11060 Number of Relationships and multivalue cannot excede <Parameter name='VALUE'>.
SVC-11061 Relationship attributes not defined for relationship'<Parameter name='RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_NAME'>'
SVC-11062 Search would result in relationship with more than <Parameter name='VALUE'>.
SVC-11064 Context variable '<Parameter name='CONTEXTVARIABLENAME'>' cannot be specified along with external key '<Parameter name='EXTERNALKEYNAME'>'.
SVC-11065 RECORD_VERSION cannot be specified to delete record.
SVC-11066 Data of a record cannot be modified as it is in workflow and is pending with '<Parameter name='USER'>'.
SVC-11100 No user information provided.
SVC-11101 Repository <Parameter name='REPOSITORYNAME'> not found.
SVC-11102 Repository <Parameter name='REPOSITORYNAME'> does not have attribute <Parameter name='ATTRIBUTE_NAME'>.
SVC-11103 Invalid repository set specified.
SVC-11104 Search on multiple repositories not supported.
SVC-11105 Search expression not specified.
SVC-11106 Search expression exceeds 1024 bytes.
SVC-11107 Search expression exceeds 10 words.
SVC-11108 Cannot restrict exact text searches to specific attributes.
SVC-11109 Fuzzy search query on all repositories not supported. Specify single repository.
SVC-11110 Invalid similarity score specified for fuzzy search.
SVC-11111 Text search denied for repository <Parameter name='REPOSITORYNAME'>.
SVC-11112 Role <Parameter name='ROLE'> not found.
SVC-11113 User <Parameter name='USER'> not found.
SVC-11114 Subset rule <Parameter name='SUBCATALOG'> not found.
SVC-11115 Repository <Parameter name='REPOSITORYNAME'> does not have attribute group <Parameter name='ATTRIBUTEGROUP_NAME'>.
SVC-11116 Function <Parameter name='FUNCTION'> not found.
SVC-11117 Schema validation failed.
SVC-11118 No entities found.
SVC-11119 Membership not found for member <Parameter name='MEMBERID'> .
SVC-11120 Too many active service threads. Active thread count is <Parameter name='NUMBER'> and maximum active threads allowed is <Parameter name='NUMBER2'>.
SVC-11121 Invalid approval option specified for input map <Parameter name='NAME'>.
SVC-11122 Too many active HTTP threads. Active thread count is <Parameter name='NAME'> and maximum active threads allowed is <Parameter name='NUMBER2'>.
SVC-11123 Work item <Parameter name='VALUE'> details obtained.
SVC-11124 Work item <Parameter name='VALUE'> reassigned, <Parameter name='NUMBER'> new work items created.
SVC-11125 Work item <Parameter name='VALUE'> locked; specified operation not allowed.
SVC-11126 Undefined user <Parameter name='VALUE'> specified for reassignment.
SVC-11127 Work item <Parameter name='VALUE'> already closed. Reassignment not allowed.
SVC-11128 Work item <Parameter name='VALUE'> already owned by user <Parameter name='USER'>.
SVC-11129 Too many external keys specified.
SVC-11130 Not authorized to save records with state as unconfirmed without workflow processing.
SVC-11131 Invalid value <Parameter name='VALUE'> specified for external key <Parameter name='EXTERNALKEYNAME'>.
SVC-11132 External key <Parameter name='EXTERNALKEYNAME'> specified more than once.

Cannot find specified company <Parameter name='ENTERPRISENAME'>.

SVC-11133 External key <Parameter name='EXTERNALKEYNAME'> required.
SVC-11134 Record version cannot be specified when querying related records.
SVC-11135 Provider 'Advanced Matching Engine' does not allow searches across all Repositories.
SVC-11136 Relationship <Parameter name='RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_NAME'> is not valid for the entity <Parameter name='INDEX_ENTITY_NAME'>.
SVC-11137 Repository <Parameter name='REPOSITORYNAME'> is not valid for the entity <Parameter name='INDEX_ENTITY_NAME'>.
SVC-11138 Attribute <Parameter name='ATTRIBUTE_NAME'> is not indexable in Index entity <Parameter name='INDEX_ENTITY_NAME'>.
SVC-11139 Entity <Parameter name='INDEX_ENTITY_NAME'> does not exist in Index Configuration.
SVC-11140 Repository <Parameter name='REPOSITORYNAME'> is not valid for Relationship <Parameter name='RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_NAME'>.
SVC-11141 Invalid Return Count specified.
SVC-11142 No service allowed.
SVC-11143 Enterprise <Parameter name='NAME'> does not exist in Index Configuration (Enterprise name is case sensitive).
SVC-11200 Invalid process definition.
SVC-11202 Insufficient privileges to complete deployment change request.
SVC-11203 Error translating process definition; process definition may be invalid.
SVC-11204 Successfully deployed process definition <Parameter name='NAME'>.
SVC-11205 Cannot find process definition <Parameter name='NAME'>.
SVC-11206 Successfully undeployed process definition <Parameter name='NAME'>.
SVC-11207 Directory <Parameter name='NAME'> does not exist. Correct folder name and retry.
SVC-11208 Undefined process definition name.
SVC-11209 Invalid target repository <Parameter name='CATALOG_NAME'> for relationship <Parameter name='NAME'>.
SVC-11210 Specify Record ID.
SVC-11211 Cannot specify unrelated records in the same request.
SVC-11212 Record(s) deleted successfully.
SVC-11213 Relationship target(s) deleted successfully.
SVC-11214 Record and relationship target(s) deleted successfully.
SVC-11215 Record delete in context of work item not supported.
SVC-11216 User '<Parameter name='USER'>' does not have permission to view entitlement.
SVC-11217 No repository found.
SVC-11219 Login successful.
SVC-11220 Synchronization request executed.
SVC-11221 Content retrieval service executed.
SVC-11222 Logout successful.
SVC-11223 Error during logout. Invalid or expired session.
SVC-11224 Invalid User session.
SVC-11225 Not authorized to view event details.
SVC-11226 File <Parameter name='VALUE'> not retrieved. Invalid file name or file does not exist or is empty.
SVC-11227 No Users found for specified Enterprise <Parameter name='ERRORINFO'>.
SVC-11228 No user found with specified User information <Parameter name='ERRORINFO'>.
SVC-11229 No Users found for specified Role.
SVC-11230 No User found for specified User Name and Role.
SVC-11231 Enterprise name mandatory.
SVC-11232 Cannot find specified Enterprise <Parameter name='ENTERPRISENAME'>.
SVC-11233 Cannot specify both User Name and Role. Provide either User Name or Role.
SVC-11234 No Roles found for specified Enterprise <Parameter name='ERRORINFO'>.
SVC-11235 No Roles found for specified Role Name <Parameter name='ERRORINFO'>.
SVC-11236 No data sources found for specified Enterprise <Parameter name='ERRORINFO'>.
SVC-11237 User Login credentials are mandatory. Provide User details.
SVC-11238 No Data sources found for specified data source name <Parameter name='ERRORINFO'>.
SVC-11239 Insufficient access permissions, repository <Parameter name='REPOSITORYNAME'> and attribute <Parameter name='ATTRIBUTE_NAME'>.
SVC-11240 Invalid ProcessID parameter. ProcessID should be an integer if process type is <Parameter name='TYPE'>.
SVC-11241 Invalid operator <Parameter name='OPERATOR'> specified for attribute <Parameter name='CATALOG_ATTRIBUTE'>.
SVC-11242 Work item <Parameter name='NUMBER'> closed successfully.
SVC-11243 Successfully deployed rulebase model <Parameter name='NAME'>.
SVC-11244 Error translating repository model; repository model may be invalid.
SVC-11245 Cannot find rulebase file <Parameter name='NAME'>.
SVC-11246 Successfully undeployed rulebase <Parameter name='NAME'>.
SVC-11247 File <Parameter name='FILENAME'> access denied.
SVC-11248 User created successfully.
SVC-11249 User deleted successfully.
SVC-11250 <Parameter name='CLASSNAME'> class name is mandatory. Please provide class name.
SVC-11251 Data Extractor Initiated Successfully
SVC-11252 Length of <Parameter name='NAME'> more than maximum allowed length <Parameter name='VALUE2'>.

For example,

  • Length of Internal Name more than maximum allowed length 8 characters.
  • Length of User name more than maximum allowed length 80.
  • Length of Password more than maximum allowed length 30.
  • Length of Password more than maximum allowed length 30.
  • Length of Middle name more than maximum allowed length 80.
SVC-11253 User Name cannot have spaces. Enter user name without spaces.
SVC-11254 Password Validation Failed. Message : <Parameter name='ERRORMESSAGE'>
SVC-11255 <Parameter name='NAME'> contains illegal characters.
SVC-11256 <Parameter name='NAME'> <Parameter name='VALUE'> is not supported.
SVC-11257 Language needs to be specified if country is specified. Specify Language or remove country.
SVC-11258 Cannot delete currently logged in user.
SVC-11259 User is not authorized to <Parameter name='OPERATION'> in <Parameter name='ENTERPRISE'>. Don't specify enterprise to <Parameter name='OPERATION'>
SVC-11260 Custom work item summary level type <Parameter name='LEVELTYPE'> is invalid.
SVC-11261 Invalid pre-defined summary name.
SVC-11262 Custom summary level order not defined.
SVC-11263 Metadata upload initiated successfully.
SVC-11264 File name is mandatory. Please provide file name.
SVC-11265 File extension is invalid. Supported extension are : xml and jar.
SVC-11266 Import initiated successfully.
SVC-11267 File name is mandatory, provide file name.
SVC-11268 Repository name is mandatory, provide repository name.
SVC-11269 Input map is mandatory, provide input map name.
SVC-11270 File extension invalid. Supported extension:xml.
SVC-11271 The <Parameter name='NAME'> export profile is already in use. Specify the unique name.
SVC-11272 The <Parameter name='NAME'> export profile is already in use. Specify the unique name.
SVC-11273 The <Parameter name='NAME'> export profile does not exist.
SVC-11276 DBLoader initiated successfully.
SVC-11277 Data source is mandatory, provide Data source name.
SVC-11278 Attributes not populated for datasource. Datasource not uploaded.
SVC-11279 Header extractor did not find any valid (HTTP/SOAP) login headers in the incoming request.
SVC-11280 <Parameter name='ENTERPRISE'> is mandatory.
SVC-11281 Enterprise <Parameter name='Name'> created successfully.
SVC-11282 User <Parameter name='USER'> not authorized to <Parameter name='OPERATION'>.

For example,

  • User <Parameter name='USER'> is not authorized to create user.
  • User '<Parameter name='USER'>' does not have permission to delete user.
  • User <UserName> not authorized to Get Datasource List.
SVC-11283 <Parameter name='NAME'> mandatory. Provide <Parameter name='NAME'>

For example,

  • Password is mandatory. Please provide password.
  • First Name is mandatory. Please provide first name.
  • Last Name is mandatory. Please provide last name.
SVC-11284 Request for <Parameter name='COMMAND_QUALIFIER_TYPE_NAME'> executed successfully.
SVC-11285 Work item <Parameter name='DBID'> could not be closed. Associated error message is: <Parameter name='VALUE'>.
SVC-11286 "Relationshipdefinition type <Parameter name='RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_NAME'> is not valid. It has been already used for another relationship in current import. Discontinuing metadata import of relationships".
SVC-11287 "Future dated record version is being modified <Parameter name='PRODUCTID'>, <Parameter name='PRODUCTEXT'> is not valid. It has been already deleted".
SVC-11288 Successfully deployed datasource <Parameter name='NAME'>.
SVC-11289 The Search option for future dated record version must be specified.
SVC-11291 Order by specification incorrect.
SVC-11292 No workflows found.
SVC-11293 No rulebases found.
SVC-11294 No maps found.
SVC-11295 'Export Repository' initiated successfully.
SVC-11296 Successfully deployed UI Builder Form model <Parameter name='NAME'>.
SVC-11297 Successfully deployed Service model <Parameter name='NAME'>.
SVC-11298 Cannot undeploy <Parameter name='NAME'> because the same form is deployed by another enterprise.
SVC-11299 Cannot undeploy <Parameter name='NAME'> because the same service is deployed by another enterprise.
SVC-11300 <Parameter name='SCHEME_NAME'> classification scheme not found.
SVC-11301 Classification scheme name is not provided. Provide a classification scheme name.
SVC-11302 <Parameter name='CODE_NAME'> classification code not found.
SVC-11303 Classification code name is not provided. Provide a classification code name.
SVC-11304 Classification scheme <Parameter name='SCHEME_NAME'> has automatic extraction method; cannot perform manual extraction.
SVC-11305 Unsupported <Parameter name='SCHEME_ACTION'> classification action specified for <Parameter name='SCHEME_NAME'> classification scheme. Valid classification actions are <Parameter name='VALID_SCHEME_ACTIONS'>.
SVC-11306 Delimited RECORD_STATE list does not support usage of <Parameter name='NOT_SUPPORTED_STATE_LIST'>.
SVC-11307 Database loader not supported for the sync execution mode.
SVC-11308 Request completed.
SVC-11309 Input map has more than one data sources.
SVC-11310 Invalid data source name.
SVC-11311 Invalid code,level, or hierarchy specified in request.
SVC-11312 Data source format is not SQL. Filename is mandatory.
SVC-11313 <Parameter name='CATALOG_ATTRIBUTE'> attribute which is mapped in <Parameter name='TYPE'>, <Parameter name='NAME'>, does not exist in <Parameter name='CATALOG_NAME'> repository.
SVC-11314 User information modified.
SVC-11315 User not defined.
SVC-11316 Enterprise cannot be specified if user is not specified.
SVC-11317 Password change not allowed.
SVC-11318 Attribute Help flag should be Y or N.
SVC-11319 Password updated.
SVC-11320 Parent record information <Parameter name='PRODUCTID'> and <Parameter name='PRODUCTEXT'> are not correct in <Parameter name='NAME'> relationship.
SVC-11321 Import event status is not available. Input map used for import may have been deleted.
SVC-11322 Request contains an event ID for a non-import related event. Specify import related event ID.
SVC-11323 No process for event.
SVC-11324 Record is not yet classified, requested classification action <Parameter name='SCHEME_ACTION'> cannot be performed.
SVC-11325 Record is not already classified into classification code <Parameter name='CODE_NAME'>, requested classification action <Parameter name='SCHEME_ACTION'> cannot be performed.
SVC-11326 Duplicate classification performed for classification code <Parameter name='CODE_NAME'> or record already classified under specified code.
SVC-11327 At least one order by attribute must be specified.
SVC-11328 Filename can not be specified for SQL based data source.
SVC-11329 Partitioning key must be a whole number.
SVC-11340 Column name <Parameter name='NAME'> is not defined for this repository.
SVC-11341 Your session refreshed successfully.
SVC-11342 Invalid column name <Parameter name='NAME'> for workitem sorting.If this is record attribute then must be prefixed with #
SVC-11343 MasterCatalogName attribute missing.'<Parameter name='ERRORMESSAGE'>'.
SVC-13602 Only Record Add/Modify/Delete commands should be part of atomic transaction.
SVC-13603 The login information does not match with the profile in the session.
SVC-13604 Datasource upload initiated successfully.
SVC-13605 Record <Parameter='PRODUCTID'> for repository <Parameter='REPOSITORYNAME'> has restricted access.
SVC-13606 Invalid security domain <Parameter='VALUE'>.
SVC-13607 Invalid security type <Parameter='VALUE'>.
SVC-11400 Datasource upload initiated successfully.
SVC-11401 Datasource upload and import initiated successfully.
SVC-11402 Invalid value for attribute <Parameter name='CATALOGID'>; Data type mismatch, expected data type is 'long'.
SVC-15080 Successfully deployed resource bundle <Parameter name='NAME'>.
SVC-15081 Successfully executed download resource bundle service.
SVC-15082 Workitem delegation not activated for user <Parameter name='NAME'>.