Merging Custom Application

Merge custom TIBCO General Interface or GWT application to ECM.ear:


  1. Create a temporary directory, newECM.
    md c:\newECM
  2. Change directory to newECM.
    cd c:\newECM
  3. Extract %MQ_HOME%\ECM.ear:EML.war.
    %JAVA_HOME%\bin\jar -xvf %MQ_HOME%\ECM.ear EML.war
  4. Create a directory newEML.war.
    md newEML.war
  5. Change directory to newEML.war.
    cd newEML.war
  6. Extract ..\EML.war.
    %JAVA_HOME%\bin\jar -xvf ..\EML.war
  7. Change directory for GI or GWT
    • For GI: cd JSXAPPS
    • For GWT: cd GWTAPPS
  8. Create and copy the GI or GWT project as follows:
    1. Create your GI or GWT project directory.
    • For GI: md CIMTestGIProject
    • For GWT: md CIMTestGWTProject
    1. Copy your CIMTestGIProject or CIMTestGWTProject project content folders manually to C:\CIMTestGIProject or C:\CIMTestGWTProject. Make sure the name of your project is the same as the folder name in the C drive.
    2. Copy your GI or GWT project.
    • For GI: xcopy /E /Y C:\CIMTestGIProject CIMTestGIProject
    • For GWT: xcopy /E /Y C:\CIMTestGWTProject CIMTestGWTProject
  9. Change directory to newEML.war.
    cd ..
  10. Create a new EML.war.
    %JAVA_HOME%\bin\jar -cvfM ..\EML.war *
  11. Change directory to newECM.
  12. Copy %MQ_HOME%\ECM.ear file.
    copy %MQ_HOME%\ECM.ear
  13. Update new EML.war into ECM.ear.
    %JAVA_HOME%\bin\jar -uvf ECM.ear EML.war
  14. Set the relevant properties using the Configurator (Advanced > UI Customization). For example, for redirecting to custom Add Record from a custom GI-based Add Page, enter the value box next to the Add Record External URL property and press Enter:
    • For GI: GIClient?jsxapppath=JSXAPPS/CIMTestGIProject
    • For GWT: GWTClient?action=addRecord
  15. Deploy new ECM.ear which is in folder newECM into the application server.
    Note: The default GI version is 3.7.1.
  16. Login to the application by accessing the URL.
    • Navigate to the screen which you have redirected to a custom page. For example, if you have redirected the Add Record screen to a custom page, navigate to the Add Record screen. The custom GI page should be displayed.