CreateWorkItem Activity

This activity creates a work item in the specified user’s inbox. The created work items can be either notifications (ASYNCHR) or action items (SYNCHR).

  • When ASYNCHR is specified, a work item is created. The workflow continues its execution.
  • When SYNCHR is specified, workflow execution suspends and waits for a response from the user.

For workflows that have more than one participant (role or member, or a combination of both), the semantics are currently as follows:

  • When work items are assigned to roles, all users assigned to such roles receive work items.
  • The number of work items that need to be submitted to mark as the end of a step, can be configured in the workflow.
  • If the work item definition includes the MailPresentation and MailType tags, all participants are notified.

When a work item is created, you can:

  • Add the custom attributes to a work item.
  • Add keywords to tag a work item.