Uploading GPS Codes

The GPC data source is provided as out-of-the-box setup in the TIBCOCIM enterprise.


  1. Add the following dataset to FileWatcher.xml.
    <DataSet type="single">

    There should be no MasterCatalog Element when importing a Standard Classification Scheme such as GPC, UDEX.

    <Credential domain="ZZ">
    <!-- This is a pre-defined credential-->
    <URIInfo scheme="local">
    <!-- This directory is created outOfBox -->
    <!-- This a pre-defined data source in Velosel enterprise -->
    <!-- This a pre-defined classification scheme -->
  2. Ensure that the following sub-directories exist under the $MQ_COMMON_DIR/velosel/GPC/ directory.
    • incoming
  3. Place the data file (.csv) in the $MQ_COMMON_DIR/velosel/GPC/incoming directory. The .csv file is used for upload when the FileWatcher polling interval time is over. All the rows from the .csv file are uploaded into the GPC data source. If the upload is successful, the .csv file is copied into the done directory.