Activity Summary

Activity Summary displays a summary of configuration of all destinations and activities for all destinations.

Destinations where queues or topics are configured.

Messaging Activity Summary Attributes
MBean Name Attribute Name Description
Messaging > Active Summary AllConnectionCount Displays the number of connected servers.
  AllDestinationCount Displays the number of all destinations (queues or topics) configured.
  QueueCount Displays the number of queues.
  TopicCount Displays the number of topics.
  TotalActiveListenerCount Displays the number of current active listener.
  TotalActiveSenderCount Displays the number of current active sender.
  TotalFailedMessageCount Displays the number of failed messages.
  TotalFailedRecievedMeassageCount Displays the number of failed and received messages.
  TotalFailedTobeSentMessageCount Displays the number of failed messages that are sent by TIBCO MDM instance.
  TotalListenerCount Displays the number of configured listeners.
  TotalMessageCount Displays the total number of messages.
  TotalReceivedMessageCount Displays the number of total messages received from TIBCO MDM instance.
  TotalRedeliveredMessageCount Displays the number re-delivered messages.
  TotalSenderCount Displays the number of configured senders.
  TotalSentMessageCount Displays the number of total messages sent by TIBCO MDM instance.