Modifying Effective Date Records

Using this option, you can modify any existing future date records in a repository.


  1. Click Browse and Search.
  2. From the Repository Name drop-down list, select the repository whose records you want to modify.
  3. In the Filter drop-down list, select Only future dated versions or Include future dated versions. A list of all future effective date records is displayed.
  4. Select the record that needs to be modified and click Modify. The Modify Record screen is displayed.
  5. Modify the future date and click the Save and Process button. For change in future effective date, a confirmation message is displayed.
    • If you select Create a new Future Dated Version, a new future dated version is created and the previous future dated version is also retained.
    • If you select Change the date on the existing version, a new future dated record is created and the previous future dated version is deleted.
    • If you have removed or changed the future effective date to a past date, the records are treated as the current version.
  6. If you have changed the date of one or more records, the relationship’s effective dates for the changed records are reset. A relationship’s future effective date must be the same or later than the participant records' future effective date.