Precedence Data Model

The precedence data model defines the precedence repository model to implement the attribute quality and precedence for TIBCO MDM.

The Precedence Data Model is provided as template, and you can deploy this model from TIBCO MDM Studio to use the precedence feature.


The repository RECORDSOURCE contains the source ID, name, and description. This repository stores all the known sources. If a source is defined, precedence does not apply for data coming from that source. By default the sourceID is null. The source is needed to track the attribute history. Attribute history does not need the source to be defined but the precedence cannot be computed.


The ATTRIBUTEQUALITYDEFINITION repository contains the Repository ID, Attribute ID, and half life (days). This repository defines the quality of data received from a source, per attribute. For example, you could define that lastName received from SAP is 70% compared to JDE which is 80%. The final weight after applying the decay decides if the data is stale or not. To access this repository navigate to RECORD SOURCE > HasAttributeQualityDef > ATTRIBUTEQUALITYDEFINITION. For more information, see AttributeQualityDefinition Repository


The PRECEDENCEDEFINITION repository contains the repository ID, the attribute ID, TrustFactor (1-100), and any previous sources. This repository defines any relative weight within the trust factor. Trust factor is applied on the weight only if the value comes from a specified old source and a specified new source. The range trust factor is anywhere 1 to through 100. For example, if you define a trust factor of 50 for a previous source, SAP, and after calculating the weight of SAP (weight + decay), the trust factor is applied to reduce the weight further. The precedence definition is optional, if not defined, no trust factor is applied. To access this repository navigate to RECORD SOURCE > HasPrecedenceDef > PRECEDENCEDEFINITION.

Note: If you want to define the precedence matrix, you should add the first source and then quality definition and precedence definition as a related record.
Note: Each repository has an attribute sourceID. If the attribute is not found or is empty, no precedence applies. This attribute is String 80.

For TIBCO MDM Studio part of Precedence Management, see TIBCO MDM Studio Repository Design User's Guide.