GetAssocEventsSummary Activity

The GetAssocEventsSummary activity provides a summary of associated events. Associated events are the events spawned by another workflow.

You can use this activity in

  • Parent workflow to obtain summary of all spawned children events or For example, import workflow can inquire summary of all children workflow. This is the SummaryOption of "Children".
  • Any children workflow to get summary of all spawned children by the parent workflow (siblings). For example, when import starts record add workflow, this activity can be used in record add wokflow to find summary of all the event started by the parent (import workflow). This is default SummaryOption of 'Parent'.

As workflow status can change while summary is being computed, if the summary is going to be used to decide if some other operation should be done, it is advisable to request a lock using LockOption parameter. If this parameter is not specified, default is FALSE - no lock is taken. The 'true' parameter forces a distributed lock (The lock Key is parent ID for SummaryOption = Parent, and current event id for SummaryOption = Children). Lock is recommended for SummaryOption = Parent but rarely needed for SummaryOption = Parent).

The activity should not be used with SummaryOption = Parent for an event which does not have a parent event. This will be an error.

Note that when it runs with SummaryOption = Children, the summary includes all the spawned events initiated in all the previous spawn activities. (there could be more than one spawn activities). whereas when it runs in SummaryOption = Parent, the summary is only for the spawned activity which started the children workflow.