TIBCO MDM Cache Calculation

TIBCO MDM uses cache objects of different sizes depending on the amount of data held. TIBCO MDM internally calculates the cache size for each object based on the ListSize provided in CacheConfig.xml for the individual objects. For heavily used cache objects, allocate more memory to the object files in the configuration file.

Depending on the memory resources available, set the ListSize of individual objects in CacheConfig.xml. ListSize of -1 <ListSize>-1</ListSize> means unlimited size is set for that particular object in ActiveSpace cache. Depending on the ListSize defined in the configuration file, if the memory allocated for a particular object is full, eviction policy comes into effect which could impact the performance. For high performance scenarios, it is recommended to set the ListSize to -1 for the RECORD, RECORDMAXMODVERSION, PRODUCTKEY and MV_VALUE objects.