Text Index Migration

To use the Matching Engine for text search and matching records, index the existing records by running the Text Index Migration utility for the existing repositories or enterprises.

The Text Index Migration utility located at $MQ_HOME\bin\textIndexMigration.bat and textIndexMigration.sh is provided to enable users to perform offline or seed indexing. These utilities provide various parameters to index a limited set of repositories or records.

The Text Index Migration utility is a command line utility that contains the following three main usages:

  • Repository Indexing
  • IndexEntity
  • General Index configuration.
    • Before running this utility,
      • Ensure that TIBCO MDM is running and all environment variables are set. For information on environment variables, refer to the Installation Overview chapter in TIBCO MDM Installation and Configuration.
Note: If the Netrics Server goes down and it is up again, use the CREATE mode while indexing.