To use Geo Analytics, configure the following properties in Configurator:
Geo Analytics Service
Geo Analytics Url
Tab name
Catalog list for GeoAnalytics
For information on these properties, refer to
Configuration of TIBCO GeoAnalytics Map with MDM in
TIBCO MDM System Administration Guide. Additionally, you need to specify the repository attributes mapping.
After enabling the
Tab name property, the GEO tab is displayed. For example, the tab is named as
GEO Tab.
Click the
GEOTab to view the geographical map.
If you have not entered the Geo attributes, the default location is displayed.
To specify the location, drag and drop the location marker on the required address.
A pop-up with a list of addresses based on the location is displayed.
Select the address and click
The attributes are populated with the selected address from the list.
You can also specify minimum details in the combination of Country code and City or Country code and Zip code and click
Note: The
Lookup button is enabled after you enable the
com.tibco.mdm.geo.lookup.enable property in Configurator.
A list of valid addresses is displayed.
Select the address and click
Note: When you select a address, a range of zip codes (for example, "97022- 98016") is displayed, as a result validation error
Zip code Not Found occurs. Specify the appropriate zip code from the range. (for example, "97022-98016") in the zip attribute.
If you specify an invalid address, a pop-up box with the appropriate message is displayed.